Online Consultations

Firstly you will need to fill out a small consultation form. Once you have filled it out, please attach it to an email to Natalie at This will allow Natalie to gain a fuller picture of your past health history. She will then be able to identify any condition that has manifested as a illness or disease. Natalie will then email you with further advice, diagnosis and treatment relevant to your condition.

Natalie offers her ONLINE consultations for £75.00. with follow up Skype calls if necessary.

Follow up consultation includes either a face-to-face meeting with Natalie or 5 correspondence emails. £55.00

1 month consultation package £240

Depending on your illness and how long it will take to reverse, Natalie may suggest that you purchase the monthly plan where you will get full support. Includes email communication (not unlimited), one 20 minute Skype call if required, and a plan and direction for healing (supplements not included in price).

Raw Online Consultation

  • Find out if you're getting all the nutrients you need in your raw diet.
  • Learn how to obtain all essential nutrients on a raw food diet.
  • Find out why you binge on nuts on your raw food diet?
  • Find out how to stop those raw emotions, that make you binge.

£45.00 gives you 5 correspondent emails.

"I look forward to sharing your journey back to health with you" Natalie Sen N.D.